The Miller Place Fire Department has developed a program for the youths in our community to experience the benefits of community service. Our Junior Membership Program has been designed to encourage the process of helping others in time of need. The rewards of being a junior volunteer firefighter are based on teamwork and education.

While we are teaching the junior members the vocational and technical aspects of firefighting and ems, expressing to them with the concept of working with others to complete tasks. By helping those in time of need and putting someone else first, we can help today’s teens to focus their talents and energies in a constructive way, while cultivating the next generation of responders helping out community.

Our intent is to encourage the junior members to challenge themselves by asking their own questions and seeking their own answers in a safe environment. The junior members are mentored by several qualified advisor(s) under the governess and rules of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) who supervises their activities and reports directly to the Fire Chief.

Our program is designed for any age between 11-17 and a residence of the Miller Place School District. To join the program, the perspective junior member must fill out an application and the advisor must meet with the parent or guardian. Once in the program, the junior member may opt to become a regular active firefighter on their 17th birthday upon recommendation of the advisor, approval of their parent, completion of membership process, and finally a vote of both the board of fire commissioners and general membership of the department. Many Juniors have gone on to hold offices in the Fire Department and have taken active roles helping their community.

If interested, please click link below and fill out the membership form.